The Student Association of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto (AEFEP) is the representative body of excellence of FEP’s student community. Its mission is to defend the highest interest of the students it serves, maintaining a close relationship with them and committing itself to work daily for their well-being. It is its mission to welcome the new students to this School and to do everything to facilitate their integration, in order to provide our students with the best academic experience.
AEFEP acts in five specific areas: Representative, Academic, Social, Recreational and Sports.

AIESEC is currently the world’s largest organization exclusively run by young university students, present in more than 125 countries and territories and over 2400 universities with more than 70,000 active members. AIESEC is a partner of the United Nations in the pursuit of the Sustainable Development Goals and aims to contribute to the improvement of global society as a whole through youth leadership development.
The AIESEC office in Porto FEP, one of the first student organizations to emerge in the University of Porto, was founded on February 10, 1960 and from early on began to stimulate the development of leadership potential of its members, promoting daily contact with young people from all over the world through work within the organization and professional exchanges.
Recognized for its excellence and rigor in national and international terms, in 2008 it was the office that grew the most in absolute number of experiences provided, among more than 200 offices in Western Europe and North America, which well demonstrates the entrepreneurial spirit and professionalism that accompanies AIESEC in Porto FEP since its foundation. It has also been considered several times the largest AIESEC office in Portugal.

Founded in 2012, Academia de Política Apartidária (APA) seeks to bring young people closer to politics and instil in them a spirit of civic awareness through debates and educational action activities.
APA believes that it is through the active involvement of young people in the most impactful issues of the present that current and future generations will be able to ground society in progress, active citizenship and the coexistence of plural ideas.

eCOROmia was founded in October 1996 by a group of students from the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto. The group was looking for something different that would combine the taste for music with the taste for academic traditions.

EXUP is a FEP student organisation that aims to develop projects, with a view to creating learning opportunities, not only for its members, but also for the academic community in general. The organization seeks to foster civic spirit, through actions supporting individuals and institutions that contribute to the creation of value and human development, while developing the skills of its members.

FEP Economics Society
FEP Economics Society is a unique FEP organisation dedicated to Thinking, Debating and Studying Economics in its purest state. It brings together Masters and undergraduate students committed to creating an organisation of excellence, whose main aim is to bring economic thinking into the associative landscape of the School, changing it.
To fulfil this purpose, it dynamizes events seeking to explore the macroeconomic aspect of the topic in question with the participation of renowned guests. It also acts through the creation and dissemination of its own scientific content.

FEP Finance Club
Founded in 2012, the FEP Finance Club is the only organisation dedicated to Finance at the FEP. The club is committed to developing the technical and personal skills necessary for a successful career in the financial sector, as well as creating extracurricular learning opportunities for the entire community, developing initiatives such as lectures with renowned professionals, competitions, visits to local and international companies, workshops and financial literacy projects.

FEP First Connection
FEP First Connection (FFC) is an organization founded in 2012 whose mission is to bring students closer to the business world. Through the various activities carried out, FFC shows undergraduate and master’s students the different sectors of activity and the demands of the labour market in loco, trying above all to give students a different view of what they have in the classroom. At the same time, it aims to promote the creation of a professional network, help in the development of skills and make the potential of students known to employers.

FEP Junior Consulting
One of the major objectives of FEP Junior Consulting is to train and stimulate entrepreneurship in those who will one day be the economists and managers of the national business fabric. Founded in 1997, FJC is a junior company that aims to create a bridge between the academic and business worlds, by developing consulting projects in the most diverse areas and for all kinds of clients, from start-ups to large companies. FJC is the first and only Portuguese junior company with a quality certificate.

FICT’s main activity is the resolution of case studies. The club is dedicated to solving real business problems of companies, providing realistic solutions that include logistical and financial aspects. This resolution is followed by the presentation of the case to FICT coordinators, Alumni, and other members, who, in turn, analyse and comment on it, giving the teams the opportunity to improve their skills of resolution, analysis, and presentation of case studies, and allowing members to represent FEP and the University of Porto in international case study competitions. In addition, FICT has regular sessions, trainings and workshops with FICT Alumni and a wide network of partners that contribute to the success of the members. FICT aspires to make FEP a global reference in case study solving.

FINK is the organisation that brings together the Fepiano Newspaper and the Cineclube. With more than 40 editions, Fepiano Newspaper is the voice of FEP students. Distributed in partnership with Vida Económica, it gathers several contents on the most varied subjects, from Economy to Culture and from Politics to Society, as well as interviews with personalities such as Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, Elisa Ferreira, Rui Moreira, Daniel Oliveira, Nilton and Capitão Fausto.
Cineclube is a project with some years of history, currently under recovery, which aims to promote activities related to the seventh art.
FINK, under the motto “We think together” aims to provide its members the contact with several personalities and companies and the development of a more critical and creative side, within an informal but professional team, where all opinions have a place.

Grupo Coral
‘Grupo Coral’ is an academic choir founded on 16 December 1998 that brings together students, technicians, professors and, more recently, Alumni, which enriches and makes this group unique and special.
The group is marked by diversity in terms of the people who make it up, as well as by the diversity of the style of music.

HeForShe FEP
HeForShe’s mission is to foster an alliance of solidarity between women and men, building a united force in the fight against gender inequality.
The organisation’s representation in universities allows the younger population to come into contact with activities, dialogues and activism (both online and in person) that bring young people closer to its cause and mission.
HeForShe FEP was founded in 2018 and has been bringing university students closer to the business world in regards to social causes through Workshops, Talks, Informative posts, Awareness campaigns, training and Open dialogues.

Linking Students
Linking Students – LS – is one of the most recent student organisations of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Porto (FEP). Created in 2018 as a non-profit association, Linking Students has a clear goal: to directly contribute to a more interconnected world. By welcoming and integrating international students and promoting existing mobility opportunities, it aims to help strengthen ties between students from all over the world.

Mind Your Business
Mind Your Business (MYB) is a community of FEP students who are passionate about Marketing and have come together to learn, spread knowledge and explore this area. The organisation aims to foster the growth of small local businesses, improve the image of companies and institutions, create training and development opportunities for students and, above all, bring innovation to FEP. Creativity, teamwork and a love of what you do are key to MYB’s work.

ShARE-UP is part of an international student network that brings together consulting and leadership skills in a think tank culture to create “Do Well Do Good” leaders.
It provides its members with training on topics such as problem solving, project management and analytical thinking. To put them into practice, it develops consulting projects, having the opportunity to work with companies and NGOs while being mentored by experienced consultants.

StartUp BUZZ
StartUp BUZZ is an organisation based at FEP dedicated to promoting entrepreneurship in the student world and inspiring young people to adopt a bold attitude towards a world full of opportunities. The organization is proud to say that it is the first university-based pre-accelerator of startups, as it exists to instil the entrepreneurial spirit in the academic world and help young entrepreneurs build and consolidate their own business ideas at an embryonic stage, developing them and transforming them into real business opportunities. This whole process of ideation and acceleration of ideas is carried out in BUZZ Sessions.
At the same time, it organises events with an environment that encourages innovation and networking, in order to promote entrepreneurship inside and outside the faculty. Partners and the network of contacts are involved, from former students to entrepreneurs, professionals and other academic organisations.

Tuna Académica da Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto (TAFEP) was born on 14 December 1992 and has been marking different generations of students with its contagious music and joy. In TAFEP’s history there are already many performances, trips, conquests and beautiful moments that have been written. The Tuna has released several CDs, namely “Passos Perdidos”, P’ra nunca esquecer”, “Retratos” and “Noite de Estrela” and the DVD “Economia em Festa!

Tuna Feminina de Economia do Porto (TFEP) was founded on 28 November 1992, an academic organisation that shares a common taste for music and tradition. With 30 years of history, its members spread the name of FEP and the city of Porto all over the country and the world, making this Portuguese tradition known. TFEP participates in many events, including musical groups meetings, festivals, tours, academic gatherings, business initiatives, shows and solidarity events. This tuna has already 3 CDS, entitled “Tantas Histórias” (1999), “Memórias…” (2003) and “ComPassas” (2003). (2003) and “ComPassos” (2011).
The organization of its own Female Musical Festival – “Trinados” has four editions dating from 2000, 2005, 2009 and 2018, now giving way to a new edition in this year of 2022, as a 30 years milestone, which makes TFEP the oldest organization of FEP. Supported by the energy that is characteristic to them, the elements of the TFEP work every day to make this organisation grow. They seek to continue to spread the Portuguese culture and the academic spirit around the world, while marking the academic path of all students who want to belong to it.